Thursday, August 13, 2009


While debating a cute bartender on whether or not it's possible for tater tots to fuel an uncontrollable rage a friend and I started talking about Life Goals. Which made me realize my Life Goals for the next year are pretty ridiculous. And by ridiculous I mean awesome.

1. Just try to spend a lot of time drinking and looking around
2. Find fun sports games to play and win by a lot
3. Come up with joke ideas and ecards that everyone in America will love and pay money for
4. Try to develop a comedy career while simultaneously not giving a shit and doing it just for the fun of it
5. Find new bars and restaurants to talk to people in
6. Meet a bunch of chicks
7. Check out some movies and TV shows
8. Walk around New York and think "This is pretty tight."

Seems reasonable. Oh, tack on something about charity if you must. You know, the kind of thing where an event organizer tells you proceeds go to a worthy cause and you're like "Yeah, that's cool. This is open bar, right?"

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